Amazon S3 with Python Boto3 Library

Amazon S3 is the Simple Storage Service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) for object based file storage. With the increase of Big Data Applications and cloud computing, it is absolutely necessary that all the “big data” shall be stored on the cloud for easy processing over the cloud applications.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Amazon S3 service via the Python library Boto3. You will learn how to create S3 Buckets and Folders, and how to upload and access files to and from S3 buckets. Eventually, you will have a Python code that you can run on EC2 instance and access your data on the cloud while it is stored on the cloud.

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Extracting YouTube Comments with YouTube API & Python

YouTube is the world’s largest video-sharing site with about 1.9 billion monthly active users. People use it to share info, teach, entertain, advertise and much more.

So YouTube has so much data that one can utilize to carry out research and analysis. For example, extracting YouTube video comments can be useful to run Sentiment Analysis and other Natural Language Processing tasks. YouTube API enables you to search for videos matching specific search criteria.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to extract comments from YouTube videos and store them in a CSV file using Python. It will cover setting up a project on Google console, enabling the necessary YouTube API and finally writing the script that interacts with the YouTube API.

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Google Places API: Extracting Location Data & Reviews

Google places API allows developers to access a wealth of information from Google’s database for over 100 million places including location data, contact information, user ratings and reviews and more.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a reusable class to read and extract location related information from Google Places API. This tutorial will help you if you want to extract business’s name, address, phone number, website, and reviews.

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AWS EC2 Management with Python Boto3 – Create, Monitor & Delete EC2 Instances

Amazon Web Services is one of the world’s leading cloud service provider. among many services, Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) allows users to rent virtual computers over the AWS.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to monitor, create and manage EC2 instances using Python. AWS has launched the Python library called Boto 3, which is a Python SDK for AWS resources. This tutorial will cover how to install, configure and get started with Boto3 library for your AWS account. This tutorial will also cover how to start, stop, monitor, create and terminate Amazon EC2 instances using Python programs.

Finally, the tutorial provides Python code to easily see EC2 instances and key information in tabular format and ways to query EC2 instances for dynamic access and monitoring.

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Yelp Fusion API tutorial

Yelp Fusion API is a REST API that gives access to information across 50 million businesses across countries.

In this tutorial, you will be learning how to use the Yelp API to search businesses by providing their names, locations or phone numbers. You will also learn to match businesses in a given location to check their availability. You will be using the requests library of Python, Requests and JSON library to parse the JSON response of data.

This tutorial covers the following features of the Yelp API: Business Search, Reviews Search, Phone Search, and Business Match.

Finally, there will be a practical project to help you use Yelp API in a real-life case.

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Sublime Text: Efficient Python Editor

While the environment in which you write your code is not that important and it is just a personal preference, you might like to know that throughout my Scrapy course, I use a robust text editor called Sublime Text.

Sublime Text is light-weight, fast and easy to get the hang off text editor that you can use for writing Python scripts. It also supports almost all other programming languages. Let’s see how to make the best use of it. Continue reading “Sublime Text: Efficient Python Editor”

Selenium: Web Scraping Accommodations is a travel fare aggregator website and travel metasearch engine for lodging reservations. This websites has more than 29,094,365 listings in 230 countries and territories worldwide.

Websites like contains a lot of data that can be scraped and processes that can be automatized.

In this Selenium tutorial, will learn how to automate an accommodation search and to scrape the results using Python with Selenium.

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